Dr. Tetiana Riazantseva
Shevchenko Institute of Literature – NAS of Ukraine
Abstract. The artistic collaboration of Boris Christov and Milko Bozkov has resulted in a verbal-visual project entitled “The Salon of Nature” which exists in two formats: the book and the exhibition. In its book version B. Christov’s poems are combined with M. Bozkov’s paintings and drawings reproduced along with the texts.
This study considers “The Salon of Nature” in the intermedial perspective and uses the close reading approach to outline the formal, constructive, functional and content features of the text-image interactions in the published version of the project. The article also demonstrates its main intertexts which could be grouped as mythological, neo-mythological and religious (Christian). As a result “The Salon of Nature” could be defined as an example of emblematic poetry in its modern version. It is a cyclically arranged intermedial work of art based on the iterative, hierarchic media-combination where the visual part performs the explanatory, though not merely illustrative function.
Keywords: emblematic poetry; intertext; media-combination