Prof. Dr. Blagovest Belev
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Ballast Water Management Convention entered into force on the 8th of September 2017. Nevertheless, six years later, many problems are still waiting for their solution. Despite International Maritime Organization Guidelines, IMO HTW 7/12, Resolution MEPC.173 (58) and others, some details are still open questions that are waiting to receive their answer from the practice. The maritime society still discusses the correct way of collecting samples from ship’s ballast tanks, laboratory accreditation and licensing regulations, ballast water treatment systems maintenance. Another important issue is education and training of the personnel in charge of systems’ operation and repair. Education and training processes are already in the focus of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) but still waiting for Member states’ decision. The idea for such kind of activities appears in some particular educational institutions and training centers but the subject is not in the syllabi. Ballast Water Management Convention and related knowledge and skills are the new challenge for the shipping in all respects. The aim of this article is research regarding implementation of Ballast Water Management Convention in maritime education worldwide and in Bulgarian education and training institutions. The method of information analysis is used in order to compare what the leading maritime institutions propose in respect to Ballast Water Management Convention.
Keywords: Ballast Water Management Convention; maritime education and training; distance learning; computer based training; STCW Convention