Digital Communication And Translation Problems (Based On Bulgarian And Russian Network Texts)
Prof. Liudmila Karpenko, DSc.
Samara National Research University
Samara, Russia
Absract. The problem of equivalence of digital translation in the global Internet network is considered...
The Didactics Of Ffl At The Crossroads Of Cognitive Linguistics And Discursive Language
1) Elena G. Tareva 1), Elena Porshneva 2), Indira Abdulmianova
1) Head of Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow City University
Moscow, Russia
2) Higher School of Translation and Interpreting
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Abstract. The interdisciplinary aspect of Language teaching allows it to always remain in the active phase of its development. This communication aims to analyze the variants of coexistence of the acquired knowledge of several sciences in the organization of the teaching of modern languages...
Developing Professional And Communication Skills Of Students In Engineering Disciplines
Tsvetelina Vukadinova 1), Prof. Dr. Eng. Senya Terzieva 2), Mladen Popov, Assist. Prof.
1) University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” Sofia, Bulgaria
2) University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia, Bulgaria
3) University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
Institute of Molecular Biology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Absract. The article presents a study designed to develop professional and communication skills of students in the subject "Chemical Engineering" with German language teaching at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy...
Integrating Duolingo For Schools In Third Language Acquisition
Dr. Petar Todorov, Senior lecturer
D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics
Absract. The article presents the possibilities for integrating an innovative methodology in third language acquisition – Duolingo for schools...
About Some Peculiarities Of Teaching And Learning Spanish Legal Language To Non-Native Speakers
Dr. Radomira Videva
Legal Spanish Trainer
Certified DELE Examiner and Grader
Universidad de Salamanca
Absract. The teaching and learning Spanish legal language as a foreign language for professional and academic purposes has been studied in the present article...
Online Collaborative Writing: a Tool for Enhancing Students’ Business Skills and Cross-Cultural Awareness
Aneta Stefanova
University of Economics – Varna (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This paper describes a project implemented by students from the University of Economics in Varna and the University of Costa Rica as part of their respective English Language instruction…
Improving Foreign (Russian) Language At School Through Proverbs And Sayings
Dr. Marzanna Karolczuk, Assist. Prof.
University of Bialystok, Białystok, Poland
Absract. he results of research on proverbs and sayings in such areas as linguistics, psychology, didactics and teaching methodology show that paremia has cognitive, educational and pedagogical functions in almost all areas of science and life...
10th International Autumn Scientific And Educational Forum Of The Department For Information And In-Service Training Of Teachers
Dr. Petar Petrov, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
The Adjective Name In The Turkish Language: An Attempt For Morphosyntax Interpretation
Yordanova, M., 2020. Morphosyntax of the Adjective in Turkish Language. (Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Irina Saraivanova; Prof. Dr. Stoyanka Kenderova; Scientific Editor: Prof. Dimitar Vesselinov, DSc.) Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 272 p. ISBN 978-954-07-5089-7
Maria Mihailova-Mravkarova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
For A Valuable And Useful Work
Boycheva, K., 2013. In the field of national freedom. Chronicle of a life dedicated to Bulgarian freedom. Sofia: Ral Kolobar, 309 p
ISBN: 9789542948254
Kirilka Demireva
Dictionary Of Linguistic Terms For Students Of Slavic Studies – Part Two (O – Ya)
Stalyanova, N. & Kreychova, E. (2020). Rechnik na lingvistichnite termini za studenti slavisti. О – YА. Sofia: Paradigma. 118 р. ISBN: 978-954-326-425-4
Dr. Rositsa N. Stefcheva
Sofia University