Concept on STEM Education in Accordance with Bulgarian Curriculum Content of Secondary School
Dr. Nadezhda Raycheva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Main concept in STEM education is implementing of synergetic potential of connections across different disciplines…
Israeli Math Teachers‘ View on Integration of STEM Modules in Mathematics Studies as a Motivator in 9th Grade
Aharon Goldreich
Ministry of education – Tel Aviv (Israel)
Dr. Elena Karashtranova, Assoc. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski” – Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)
Abstract. In recent years, one of the main problems in learning mathematics is the motivation of students. It is important to use the possibilities of modern technologies and the availability of a STEM environment for the development and implementation of learning resources that will increase students’ motivation to study science and mathematics in depth…
A Synergic Model for STEAM Learning in Sciences (First High School Stage)
Светла Буковска
Център за оценяване на предучилищното и училищното образование – МОН
Absract. The article presents information about what the synergistic learning model is when studying complex systems such as the education system...
Mnemonics – Known and Unknown
Michaela Toncheva
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The given article deals with the issue of mnemonics, their types and their application in the learning process and daily activities. Examples in several languages and for different study subjects and areas are covered. Mnemonic techniques proposed by artificial intelligence are reviewed…
Diagnostics of the Intellectual and Personal Reflection in the Process of Biology and Health Education (Second Stage of High School Education)
Dr. Isa Hadjiali, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Due to its multifunctionality and broad potential for development in the educational process, reflection is raised to a rank of a substantial element in the structure of key competences which are necessary for each individual in the “Society of knowledge”...
Changes in Motivation to Learn Chemistry through Independent Group Activities
Mrs. Martina Evgenieva,
Dr. Milena Kirova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The presented research was conducted with 48, 9th grade, students during chemistry classes...
The Effect of Context-Based Organic Chemistry Learning on 9th Grade Students’ Motivation and Engagement
Vessela Pavlova, PhD student
Dr. Alexandria Gendjova, Assoc. Prof.
University of Sofia
Absract. For successful science education, it is very important to connect the science with the real life. The study aims to establish the effect of learning chemistry topics within daily life context (human health, society, environment) on 9th grade students’ motivation and engagement...
The Motivation of Bilingual Students in Mathematics and Information Technology Education
Silvena Milanova
Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This article examines what constitutes bilingualism in school. What is education for these students. What difficulties do bilingual students face in mathematics and information technology and whether teachers succeed in motivating them…
Method for solving system of linear equations mxn, m=1, 2, 3; Based on its Geometrical Interpretations
Prof. Zoran Misajleski, DSc.,
Prof. Daniel Velinov, DSc.
St. Cyril and st. Methodius University in Skopje (N. Macedonia)
Prof. Aneta Velkoska, DSc.
University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostleˮ (N. Macedonia)
Abstract. In this paper, by using the geometrical classification of the types of linear equations or systems of two equations, we determine a method for solving systems of linear equations…
Tutoring in Mathematics and Education and Everything in between
Simon Sultan
Urban Comprehensive D – Ashkelon (Israel)
Abstract. In this period, we witness the importance of education and teaching as a means of shaping people, if unfortunately for the purposes of inciting hatred or terrorism, and on the other hand, shaping a better person through a change of direction…