rof. Dr. Serhii Vytkalov1), Dr. Lesia Smyrna2),
Prof. Dr. Iryna Petrova3), Prof. Dr. Adriana Skoryk4),
Prof. Dr. Olena Goncharova3)
1)Rivne State Humanitarian University (Ukraine)
2)National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (Ukraine)
3)Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (Ukraine)
4)Petro Tcnaikovsry National Academy of Music (Ukraine)
Abstract. The cultural diversity and the culture of plural coexistence becomes the global problem of existence. Mutual penetration and leveling of the boundary having divided the world into Other and Own is relevant, as it challenges identity in the conditions of openness and unification. Own culture is able to reveal its potential and present its essential features and original character only in the context of a different cultural dimension. The complex intertwinings, connections, influences of the cultures of different peoples and their worldviews in a single world cultural space are illuminated by the dialogue. Dialogue determines the nourishing interaction, which allows to get richer by knowing the unique, valuable experience of the Other, to expand the horizons of one’s own existence. The atmosphere created by the dialogue is marked by humanism, implies the dignity and the right of each participant to argue their own point of view, therefore, to use their own intellectual abilities, knowledge and values.
Keywords: globalization; localization; Own; other; cultural practices; dialogue of cultures; culture of dialogue; tolerance