Dr. Temenuzhka Zafirova-Malcheva, Assoc. Prof.,Dr. Nikolina Nikolova, Assoc. Prof., Pencho Mihnev
Sofia University
Absract. The present study aims to identify the needs for updating the curriculum documentation and teaching content of Computer Modelling and Information Technology (CMIT) at
the lower secondary stage and Information Technology (IT) at the upper secondary stage of education in Bulgaria. To achieve
this, the expected levels of digital competences according to the DigComp 2.2. Digital Competence Framework were first identified by comparing them with the proficiency levels according to the National Qualifications Framework. Through a comparative analysis between the National Educational Standards and curricula on the one hand, and DigComp 2.2. on the other, key recommendations for updating the curricula and learning content for compulsory training in CMIT and IT in secondary school are derived. The conclusions indicate that, in general, the curriculum documentation allows flexibility and updating in the process of
its use in practice. The main directions for updating include the integration of competences integration of competences related to the role of AI, collaborative working, inclusion and safety.
Keywords: digital competences; DigComp 2.2.; curricula; computer modelling and information technology