Ogniana Georgieva-Teneva. Literaturnoto obrazovanie v grazhdanska perspektiva (VIII – XII klas). Sofiia: Nov bylgarski universitet, 2020. ISBN 978-619-233-1
Prof. Rumiana Yoveva, DSc.
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. The review is devoted to a monograph that investigates one of the most significant problems of education – the possibilities of literary education to form civic consciousness. It argues the view that the work fills a blank field in Bulgarian methodical thought by discussing the theoretical and practical aspects of
the research question. It analyzes the author's model for creating civic competences through literature lessons in grades VIII-XII; emphasizes the concepts of knowledge, skills and attitudes that relate to literary images with civic sense, to meta-literary discourse, critical thinking, argumentative speaking and writing, the formation of values personal freedom, democracy, freedom of speech, entrepreneurship.
Keywords: literary education; civic values; critical thinking; democracy; freedom