Dr. Elena Simeonova, Assoc. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Absract. Whenever it comes to evaluation and accreditation, what most excites the academic community is how far the criteria system applied by the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation can accurately and impartially “capture” the quality of education in higher education institutions in Bulgaria. Often the differences in estimates are of the order of hundredths after the decimal point, but they have a significant differentiating meaning. The paper analyzes the criteria system of NEAA, emphasizing the possibilities for scaling and calibration of the
indicators included in it. The main thesis is that the objectivity of the assessment,
apart from the number of indicators, also depends on the precision and transparency
of their sizing. In theoretical terms, the “reading” of the NEAA criteria system is
based on the theory of measurement and the theory of fuzzy sets. In conclusion, the
main findings of the criteria system are summarized and some recommendations for
its improvement are given.
Keywords: measurement; scaling and calibrating indicators; criteria system; NEAA