Prof. Alexander Panov, DSc.
Institute for Literature - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Dipartimento di interpretazione e traduzione –
Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna – campus Forli (Italia)
Absract. In the article, an attempt is made to prove the failure of the thesis that the development of Bulgarian literature was delayed, and then accelerated and catching up. Instead of literature being considered for itself, from which it follows that it must necessarily pass through certain objectively existing stages, it
is conceived as a means of building certain attitudes, feelings and beliefs, aimed
at finding a solution to emerging ones in the process of modernization spiritual
problems of the nation. Several main problems are considered - creation and
development of the national ideology, overcoming the chaos of values, emergence
of the individual utopia, social conflicts, building a bridge between actuality and the
past by building a history of memory and outlining the role of women in the modern
world. In the realization of all these spiritual processes, it can be seen that Bulgarian
literature developed in full sync with the cultural processes taking place at that time
in a European context. The conclusion is that the way in which Bulgarian literature
is understood and taught at home and abroad must be reconsidered in order to come to the perception of native literature as an integral part of a common European
symbolic space.
Keywords: literary and cultural development; national ideology; populism; individual utopia; social conflicts; history of memory; role of women in modern society