Editorial Board Members
About The Data And The Road Towards The Data Science
Absract. The roots of data science started to grow approximately sixty years ago. The current state, however, began to form only two decades ago, highly influenced by the emergence of big data. As such, this article is a natural continuation of the similarly themed big data article, published in the preceding issue of this journal.
The focus of this article is on the events that materially contributed towards the prominence of data science. Additionally, the article discusses the debate around What is data science? had by academics, public organizations and government entities over the years. An emphasis is given to the James Gray paradigm, known as the fourth approach to scientific discoveries. The leading ideas in establishing Data Science as a major in several US universities are outlined briefly.
Keywords: data science; data scientist; data education; big data; data analytics
Dr. Pavel Azalov
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Penn State, Hazleton, U.S.A.
Technologies and Tools for Creating Adaptive E-Learning Content
Abstract. The aim of adapting e-learning systems is to provide effective learning by supplying students with the opportunity to communicate with an environment that meets their needs, behaviour, and knowledge. The design and creation of learning materials is directly dependent on the learning objectives. The more different groups of students a course is adapted to, the higher the degree of personalization of the learning process is. In this article we present the results of a study on the types of adaptive systems depending on the technological tools and methodological approaches for implementing adaptability and personalization in learning. Special attention is paid to the applied technologies in the development and delivery of adaptive learning content as well as to the ways of modeling an individual learning path.
Keywords: adaptive e-learning content; adaptive learning systems; electronic learning content
Todorka Terzieva, Valya Arnaudova, Asen Rahnev, Vanya Ivanova
University of Plovdiv „Paisii Hilendarski“ (Bulgaria)
Didactic Game “Posssible Cross Sections”
Abstract. The present article introduces the game “Possible Cross Sections”, applicable to education on solid geometry. The idea of the game is to guess whether a figure could be a cross section of a particular solid. It is assumed that using a research approach the student would test his or her hypothesis and come to certain conclusions. The rules of the game and the didactic material can be modified and adapted according to the interests and abilities of the students and the goals, set by the teacher. A research version of the game is also on offer, in which students could enrich the didactic material in the form of a multidisciplinary project.
Keywords: game; mathematics; education; active method; game approach
Nataliya Pavlova
Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria)
National Competition In Financial Literacy
Absract. What are presented are the problems and their solutions of the National competition in financial literacy held in 2020 for V – XII grade students. The problems are proposed and discussed by the National Commission at the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria. The results are analyzed and possibilities for future development are shown.
Keywords: competition; financial literacy; problem solving; computation; achievement
1) Prof. Sava Grozdev, DSc.,
2) Prof. Dr. Veselin Nenkov
1)University of Finance, Business Entrepreneurship – Sofia, Bulgaria
2) Department of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Varna, Bulgaria
Polynomials With Roots In Four Specially Located Collinear Points
Absract. The article gives an animation-geometric representation of polynomials on the complex plane, provided that the module of the complex variable is 1, in the form of satellite systems. A similar representation in the form of spatial satellite systems is given for polynomials in a complex variable, whose coefficients are vector quaternions (their scalar part is zero). The effectiveness and feasibility of using animated drawings as a means of modern didactics in teaching mathematics is presented.
Keywords: animation figures; GeoGebra; satellite system; complex numbers; quaternions; polynoms
1)Prof. Sava Grozdev, DSc., 2)Dr. Veselin Nenkov, Assoc. Prof.
1)University of Finance, Business Entrepreneurship – Sofia, Bulgaria
Department of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Satellite Systems As Animation-Geometric Polynomial Models
Abstract. The article gives an animation-geometric representation of polynomials on the complex plane, provided that the module of the complex variable is 1, in the form of satellite systems. A similar representation in the form of spatial satellite systems is given for polynomials in a complex variable, whose coefficients are vector quaternions (their scalar part is zero). The effectiveness and feasibility of using animated drawings as a means of modern didactics in teaching mathematics is presented.
Keywords: animation figures; GeoGebra; satellite system; complex numbers; quaternions; polynoms
Prof. Sergey Larin, DSc.
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Technology
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
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