Древногръцка история и култура (Лозанова-Станчева, В. Еленика: политика и култура на Древна Елада. Книга Първа)
[Ancient Greek History and Culture (Lozanova-Stantcheva, V. Hellenica: Politics and Culture of Ancient Hellas. First book)]
К. Порожанов / K. Porozhanov – p. 391
Културните и политическите взаимоотношения между Византийската империя и Кралство Англия през X–XII век
[Cultural and Political Relations between the Byzantine Empire and Kingdom of England (X–XII C.)] /
Г. Димов / G. Dimov – p. 395
Турските военни болници в българските земи (1837–1878)
[Тhe Ottoman Military Hospitals in the Bulgarian Lands (1837–1878)] /
Е. Михайлова / E. Mihaylova – p. 409
Две поселищни проучвания – за село Чипровци и град Фердинанд – и методологията на антропогеографските
изследвания в България преди 1945 г.
[Two Researches Devoted to the Village of Chiprovtsi and the Town of Ferdinand in the Methodological Context
of the Bulgarian Antropogeographical Studies Before 1945]
В. Иванова / V. Ivanova – p. 430
Просветната дейност на Българската църква (1962–1989)
[Educative Activities of the Bulgarian Church (1962–1989)] /
П. Цонева / P. Tsoneva – p. 446
Паисий Хилендарски и българската национална идеология
[Paisii Hilendarski and the Bulgarian National Ideology] /
Р. Спасов / R. Spasov –p. 473
Георги Димов
Sofia University
Absract. Настоящата статия е етюд върху англо-византийските отношения в периода X–XII в., доколкото ги е имало. Изглежда странно, но контактите между империята и кралството са съществували. Били са интензивни – и в политиката, и в културата, и в изкуството. Византия е давала естетика, цветове, модели. Англия ги е акумулирала. Ако трябва да бъдем честни, византийските находки в Скандинавия са в по-големи количества. Но норвежките или датските крале не им подражавали, не се наричали василевси. Единствени го правели английските крале. Единствени те имитирали ромейския блясък, монети, ювелирни произведения. Защо ли? Не сме се опитали да дадем отговор, а по-скоро да го опишем. До някаква степен.
Keywords: Byzantium/Byzantine Empire, Anglo-Saxons, Art, Medieval jewelry, Medieval Coins, Medieval Diplomacy
Abstract. In this article I will try to review indications of contacts between the Byzantine Empire and Anglo-Saxon England. At first look it seems strange but the relations between the Empire and the Kingdom existed during X–XII century. Some of these contacts were neglected by earlier scholars and others will offer more questions than answers. First, it is right when we say that English refugees and mercenaries played a certain role in the transmission of Byzantine fashion and material culture. On the other hand, there seems to be more evidences of official diplomatic exchange between the Anglo-Saxons Kings and the Emperors of Constantinople. These relations were even intense. Found as evidences are Greek seals in Britain. The Byzantine coins found in British Isles are in much help in establishing the extent of relations between East and West. But we can not tell whether Byzantine coins found their way into Britain via soldiers, ambassadors, travelers, pilgrims or merchants. Such is the case about the art influences in medieval Anglo-Saxons material culture. Byzantium gave aesthetics, colors and patterns. England accumulated them. Anglo-Saxon art survives mostly in illuminated manuscripts, architecture, a number of very fine ivory carvings and some works in gold, silver and other materials. Anglo-Saxon artists also worked in cloisonné (enamel), many examples of which have been recovered through archeological excavations and some of which have simply been preserved over the centuries, especially in churches and monasteries on the Continent. By the 10th century Anglo-Saxon metalwork had a famous reputation as far afield as Italy, where English goldsmiths worked on plate for the altar of St. Peters itself, but hardly any pieces have survived the destruction of the Norman Conquest in 1066. Silk was another article given or sent by Byzantine emperor to colleagues – kings and rulers. If we have to be honest, Byzantine finds in Scandinavia are in larger quantities. On the British Isles Greek silks are less numerous than on the Continent or Scandinavia. But the Norwegian and Danish kings did not imitate Oriental finds and they did not call themselves Emperors. It was done only by the English kings. Only they copied the Byzantine splendor, coins and jewelry pieces. Why? We do not attempt to answer, but rather to describe that process. To some extent. By the end of the story I will hope that art historians, archeologists and, of course, historians might be stimulated to find the answer.
Georgi Dimov
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“
Екатерина Михайлова
Sofia University
Absract. До този момент турските военни болници в българските земи не са били обект на специално изследване. Близо 60 години се налага схващането, че техният брой не надхвърля седем. Критичният преглед на съществуващите публикации и документи обаче показва, че в периода 1837–1878 г. в българските земи съществуват 16 турски военни болници. Те могат да се разделят в две групи. Първата включва болниците, които разполагат със специално построена за целта сграда. Такива са открити в Шумен, Варна, Силистра, Русе, Видин, София, Битоля и Скопие. Във втората група попадат болниците, които развиват своята дейност в малки стационарни помещения в рамките на съществуващите казарми в градовете Бабадаг, Дебър, Велес, Кула, Белоградчик, Сливен, Ловеч и Пловдив. През 1837 г. в Шумен е построена първата военна болница, която е и първото болнично заведение от модерен тип в българските земи. До Освобождението тя остава и най-голямата болница като сграда, леглова база и персонал, която изпълнява и функции на общовойскова болница за Дунавския вилает. Прави впечатление, че 62 % от военните болници са разположени именно на неговата територия. Бюджетът на тези болници се осигурява от държавната хазна. Те са важни и за развитието на здравеопазването в българските земи. Държавата им възлага и осигуряване на медицински грижи за бедните, както и изобщо за местното население в случай на епидемии. Самото им съществуване предоставя на цивилните жители достъп до квалифицирана медицинска помощ, тъй като военните лекари имат право и на частна практика.
Keywords: Ottoman military hospital, public health, Bulgarian lands, Danube Vilayet
Abstract. Similarly to the major European states, such as England, France, Prussia, the Habsburg Monarchy and Russia, the Ottoman Empire began developing its system of military hospitals together with the establishment of a permanent, standing force, during the reign of Mahmud II (1808–1839). The Ottomans benefited from Western experience and the establishment of the first military hospital in Istanbul in 1828 marked the beginning of the modern healthcare in the Ottoman Empire. Until now the Ottoman military hospitals in the Bulgarian lands (the territories, which were covered by the diocese of the Bulgarian Exarchate in 1878) have not been а subject of а special historical study. For over sixty years there has been a concept that their number is up to seven. However, as a result of a profound research on the existing studies and documents, it became clear that in the period 1837–1878 there were sixteen Ottoman military hospitals in the Bulgarian lands. All of them fit into the definition of „hospital“ (used in this paper) – a medical facility, stationed in a building, designed specially for the purpose or a set of premises, rearranged to meet the needs of medical services. Each hospital was meant to provide medical assistance, as well as stationary or ambulatory care for the treatment of the ill. The Ottoman military hospitals can be divided in two separate groups, with regard to their capacity, organization and way of functioning. The first category includes hospitals which were situated in a building that was specially constructed for that purpose. Such military hospitals were those in Shumen, Varna, Silistra, Ruse, Vidin, Sofia, Bitola and Skopje. The second group includes hospitals which were situated in small stationary premises that were a part of already existing barracks in the cities of Babadag, Debar, Veles, Kula, Belogradchik, Sliven, Lovech and Plovdiv. In 1837 the first Ottoman military hospital was built in Shumen and that was also the first modern hospital in the Bulgarian lands. Until the Liberation of Bulgaria, this building remained the biggest existing hospital in these lands in matter of size, number of beds and personnel. It also served as a main military hospital for the entire Danube Vilayet. Moreover, 62% of the Ottoman military hospitals were situated on the territory of the same Vilayet. The budget of those hospitals was covered by the state treasury. The Ottoman military hospitals had a crucial role for the development of the health care in the Bulgarian lands. Their services exceeded the sole military functions and the State assigned them also the health care for the poor and for the entire local population in times of epidemics. Their existence gave the local population access to skilled medical help as the doctors who worked there also had a practice of their own.
Ekaterina Mihaylova
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“
Ваня Иванова
Пловдивски университет, Филиал „Любен Каравелов“ – Кърджали
Absract. В предложената статия е направен опит за историографски анализ на две поселищногеографски проучвания, посветени на село Чипровци (от 1968 – град) и град Фердинанд (дн. Монтана), от гледна точка на тяхното позициониране в общотеоретичния контекст на антропогеографските изследвания в България до 1945 г. Традиционно с термина „антропогеография“ се означава онова научно направление, чиито представители разглеждат „човешкото общество и взаимодействието му със заобикалящите го природни дадености, явления и процеси от позициите на „географския детерминизъм“. За неин основоположник се смята немският учен Фридрих Ратцел (1844–1904). Скоро след своето възникване антропогеографията намира бърз и радушен прием в България благодарение на проф. Анастас Иширков (1868–1937). Силно изразеният интерес към новата синкретична научна дисциплина е предпоставен от редица фактори – съответната политическа конюнктура и продуцираните от нея образователни стратегии, „модните“ научни течения, наследената традиция. Цялостният текст на двете конкретно анализирани поселищногеографски проучвания показва, че техните автори се вместват по удачен начин в подробно разяснените модели за изготвяне на антропогеографско изследване. Същевременно не само посочените в заглавието на статията монографии, но и преобладаващата част от публикуваните през междувоенния период антропогеографски изследвания, могат да се използват като подходящ източник за строго специализирани научни данни и ценно методологическо помагало.
Keywords: anthropogeography, Bulgarian settlements, methodology, nationalism
Abstract. This article is an attempt for a historiographical analysis of two anthropogeographical monographs published in 1938 and 1944 devoted to the village of Chiprovtsi (a town after 1968) and the town of Ferdinand (the town’s name after 1993 is Montana). Their authors, Y. Zahariev and S. Markov, had a university degree in geography. Anthropogeography (or cultural geography) is a term commonly used as a definition of a scientific trend that examines „human society and its relations with the natural environment“ (facts, phenomena, processes) from the position of the so called „geographical determinism“ (geo- and biological systems as determine modules of existing social formations). Ideas – predecessors can be seen in the views of Hippocrates (460-370 BC), Ch. de Montesquieu (1689-1755), G. de Buffon (1707–1788), Alexander von Humboldt (1775–1859), C. Ritter (1779–1859) and others but as a generally accepted founder of anthropogeography is pointed F. Ratzel (1844–1904), thanks to his researches in two volumes of the same name (1882–1891). Not so long after its appearance as a scientific branch, anthropogeography has been accepted with open arms in Bulgaria thanks to prof. A. Ishirkov (1868–1937) – Ratzel’s student. Roused interest is premised by different factors – educational strategies of Bulgarian governments, „fashionable scientifi c tendencies“, inherited traditions. Concrete texts and a table of contents of both analysed anthropogeographical researches prove the statement that their authors have fulfi lled the advisable paradigms for making such a study. The monographs are divided in two main parts – physical geographical features and anthropogeographical characteristics. The first part includes geographical location, geology, orography, hydrology and drinking water, climate, plant and animal world. The anthropogeographical part reveals basic historical and ethnological facts – settlement’s origine and name; planning and development; houses’ interior and yard, other buildings; economic relations; logistics; population – national origin(s), movements, age, sex, literacy; anthropological type, mentality, clothes, dialect. Among the used sources are scientific studies of different thematic fields, official statistic data and close personal observations. Because of authors’ high level of professionalism, a predominant part of the anthropological researches published in Bulgaria during the interwar period now-a-days can be used not only as reliable scholarly sources but also as valuable methodological handbooks.
Asst. Prof. Vanya Ivanova, PhD
Plovdiv University „Paisii Hilendarski“
College „Liuben Karavelov“
Penka Tzoneva
Sofia University
Absract. Изследването представя многопластов историко-педагогически анализ и обобщение на просветната дейност на Българската православна църква в годините на т. нар. „живковизъм” (1962–1989) в следвоенната история на страната ни и проекциите на тази дейност върху българската образователна традиция. Проучват се както тенденциите в просветната дейност на Църквата, повлияни от намаляващото влияние на идеите на БКП върху част от населението и крехките, неформални прояви на идеен плурализъм в отделните сфери на обществото, така и зараждащите се нови насоки в религиозната просвета в условията на българското „преустройство“.
Keywords: educative activities, Bulgarian Church, historical and pedagogical analysis
Abstract. The study represents in many layers historical and pedagogical analysis and generalization of the educative activities of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church throughout the period of the so-called „Jivkovism“ – Jivkov’s regime (1962-1989) during the after-war history of our country and the projections of these activities on the Bulgarian educational tradition. The study explores tendencies in the educative activities of the Church affected by the reducing influence of the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) on part of the population and also by the poor, informal acts of ideological pluralism, as well as it explores the arousing new guidelines in the religious education in the conditions of Bulgarian „transition“. Sources of extreme and fundamental importance for the study are documents and materials from the Record Office of Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Historical Record Office, state, school and church legislation dating back to the period of the study, church periodicals and reference books from National Statistics Institute, etc. Priority is established to cultural and historical, documentary, archivist’s, fact graphical, hermeneutics’ and other methods together with the systematic and structural and functional approach.
The period of the study – 1962-1989 – is not a homogeneous one. Specificity of the political and the economic and spiritual processes in the country necessitates an internal periodization. The structuring of the exposition gives an account of the common and the special in the educative activities of the Church during the stages. In this exposition the terms „Bulgarian Church“ and „the Church“ have been used instead of „Bulgarian Orthodox Church“ for the sake of brevity and convenience. In the accomplished survey two conclusions have been drawn out. Firstly, among the new tendencies in the stage of the so-called „Jivkovism“ are: dominant development of the related with the theological education and Christian and peace-making problems education implemented at national and international forums; growing attendance at church services and sermons; growing number of church wedding and baptism, intensification of church publications, etc. These tendencies are directly linked to a number of factors that facilitate or restrict the development of the religious education – degrees of qualification of clergymen, constructions of churches, financial resources of the Church and government relations with the Church. In the second place, in the conditions of Bulgarian „transition“, the foundations of a future radical reform are being laid down. They are tied together with the establishment of conditions that guarantee freedom of conscience and religion of citizens, free implementation of Christian education in the country, transformation of the offi cial and record tolerance of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church towards the socialist state in mutual cooperation with the state and public bodies and the structures of the civic society.
Assoc. Prof. Penka Tsoneva, PhD
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“