Prof. Alexander Panov, DSc.
Institute for literature – BAS
Absract. The article analyzes Hristo Botev's poem „Farewell in 1868“, tracking the different genre paradigms to which it can be referred...
COVID-19 in Literature: between Fiction, Comparisons and the Diaristic
Prof. Dr. Amelia Licheva
Sofia University
Absract. The text will attempt to see texts of different genres that seek to make sense of the pandemic experienced...
Soviet Russia: Aspects of Ideological Reading (Observations on Travel Books of the 1920s and 1930s)
Dr. Mariya Ruseva
Sofia University
Absract. The paper is focused on the representation of interwar Soviet Russia, which can be seen in Bulgarian travelogues – Ana Karima's “In Russia today” (1928), Dr Hristo Stoykov's “In Soviet Russia” (1930) and prof. Asen Zlatarov's “In the Soviets' Country” (1936)...
“The Salon of Nature” by Boris Christov and Milko Bozkov: Intermediality. Intertexts. Interpretation
Dr. Tetiana Riazantseva
Shevchenko Institute of Literature – NAS of Ukraine
Abstract. The artistic collaboration of Boris Christov and Milko Bozkov has resulted in a verbal-visual project entitled “The Salon of Nature” which exists in two formats: the book and the exhibition. In its book version B. Christov’s poems are combined with M. Bozkov’s paintings and drawings reproduced along with the texts…
Attitudes towards Bulgarian Studies Abroad
Dr. Nadezhda Stalyanova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The article examines the attitude of philology students towards Bulgarian studies in foreign universities...
The Literary Works in the Curriculum for 8th-12th Grades in the Context of Education and Preventive Pedagogy
Dr. Daniel Polihronov, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Faculty of Education
Absract. The article interprets the problem of the educational and preventive functions of literature...
An Interactive Binary Lesson: “The Man, the Power and the Town in the Works of Hristo Smirnenski”
Dr. Teodora Dimitrova, Milka Komitova
Acad. Ludmil Stoyanov Foreign Language High School - Blagoevgrad
Absract. This article represents an interactive binary lesson that took place in 90 minutes with students from the eleventh grade of Language High School “Akad. Ljudmil Stoianov”, Blagoevgrad...
Fashion Trends in Modern Bulgarian Anthroponymy
Senior Lecturer Gergana Petkova, PhD
Medical University – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Scientific Conference “Translation and Its Challenges”, Masaryk University, Brno, 12.05.2023
Dr. Bilyana Todorova, Assoc. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Training Seminar for Heads of Bulgarian Schools Abroad (Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski”, June 8 – 11)
Dr. Maya Padeshka
Sofia University
In memoriam: Prof. DSc. Vasilka Radeva
Dr. Vladislav Milanov, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University