Desislava Dimitrova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. On the focus of the comparative research are the linguistic means expressing presumptive semantics in Bulgarian and New Greek languages. The study has two main objectives: to highlight the question, related to the status of presumptive combinations with will-; to look for other linguistic means that express presumptive semantics in the compared languages. The article discusses the potential for fifth mood (presumptive) in Bulgarian language.It is noted also the possibility the presumptive forms to be perlpherial modifers for conclusive expression. In Greek linguistics the presumptive meaning is considered within the boundory of epistemic modality. Separate authors present a paradigm „potential mood“. The purpose of study is to acts of inter-language symmetry and asymmetry in the peripherial expression of presumptive meaning.
Keywords: presumptive forms; presumptive semantics; mood; modality
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